About me

Hi, my name is André.
Some people might know me as "buanet", but this in fact is just a domain name I publish my stuff at. 😉
I am a family dad and smarthome owner and work as a IT specialist at a german IT solutions provider. In my job I have a wide and diversified range of activities, such as consulting, administration, maintenance, support, development and technical teaching. In my spare time I am part of the OpenSource community of ioBroker and working on my projects. My main focus within the community could be named as "Smarthome with Docker".
To get away from computer screens and all the nerdy IT stuff I like to spend my time with my family and friends doing some outdoor activities like hiking, biking and Geocaching.
This website
Looking for a way to easily provide all information, documentation and tutorials dealing with my projects in one place, I found a solution which combines a personal domain, GitHub Pages and VuePress.
If you are interested in how the website is build check out the source code.
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This website comes without any tracking, ads or paywalls!